Case Mobile on Video

Case Mobile in Schools
We put a virtual emergency phone into the hands of students, teachers and administrators. Using the GPS enabled Case Alert security module first responders are able to track changes to the location of an emergency in real time and have the ability for two way interactive communications with the student or teacher throughout the incident.

Case Mobile in Retail Locations
When it comes to security, nothing is more effective than a Safe Zone powered by CaseGlobal.Our mobile security app enables realtime monitoring with GPS tracking and accurate indoor positioning. When you’re in a Safe Zone powered by CaseGlobal everyone is connected, so working together to provide solutions is simple and effective.

Case Mobile in Medical Centers
At hospitals and health care centers, CaseGlobal is a reliable communication system. In the case of a contamination, our accurate indoor and floorlevel positioning allows for strategic evacuations and quarantines. You can send floorlevel alerts and instructions to your staff, and provide emergency response agencies, such as Hazmat crews, with the realtime information they need to prevent an outbreak.