The SAFETY Act provides important legal liability protections for providers of Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technologies – whether they are products or services. The goal of the SAFETY Act is to encourage the development and deployment of effective anti-terrorism products and services by providing liability protections.


Publication number US8549028 B1
Publication type Grant
Application number US 12/356,985
Publication date Oct 1, 2013
Filing date Jan 21, 2009
Priority date Jan 24, 2008
Also published as US20130346440
Publication number 12356985, 356985, US 8549028 B1, US 8549028B1, US-B1-8549028, US8549028 B1, US8549028B1
Inventors Moshe Alon, Uri Gal
Original Assignee Case Global, Inc.
Export Citation BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan
External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet
Incident tracking systems and methods

US 8549028 B1

Various embodiments of the present invention are related to incident tracking systems and methods. A method allows for receiving input that specifies an incident at a facility, defining a search area adjacent to a position of the incident, and displaying one or more other incidents that occurred at the facility within the search area. A further method allows for dynamically plotting, each time a search area is changed on a map of a facility and an associated date range is indicated, positions on the map within the search area so as to indicate where incidents have occurred at the facility within the date range. Another method allows for receiving input that specifies a name of a person associated with an incident at a facility, and automatically flagging the person as being of interest if the person has been involved in one or more other incidents at the facility.